Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 "JESUS wept." 

(John 11:35 )

Can  our Lord and Savior JESUS relate to us whenever we feel pain, sorrow, hurt, rejection, or disappointment?

Or do we see Him, who is God of the universe and co-Creator of heaven and earth, as a distant God?

In the midst of our life’s struggles and trials, are we personally experiencing His compassionate, caring, and loving nature?

"JESUS wept." These are just two little words but they have an extraordinary meaning .Our Lord JESUS Christ shedding tears demonstrates His loving, compassionate, human nature. 

Knowing that His love is so great, He made our pains His own. And having once been human, we know that our Lord JESUS experienced emotions. 

We should see Him not as a God who is distant but One who can truly relate to us He was "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." (Isaiah 53:3)

"JESUS wept" is the shortest verse, yet it brings a word of comfort to us for when we cry… we know that JESUS UNDERSTANDS!

So whatever we are facing right now  let us yielddown in Prayer knowing that Jesus  wept with us.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the love.

-sis joanne-

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