Thursday, November 24, 2022


As we reflect on our scripture Matthew 17 today,  V16: “I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” A dad was talking to Jesus, a desperate dad who brought his son to His disciple but could not heal him. V17: Then Jesus answered and said, "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me."

 Jesus was disappointed to his disciples for having little faith and called them “faithless and perverse”. 

Why is Jesus disappointed? If we go back to Matthew 10, Jesus sends them out to heal sickness and disease, to drive out demons, and to preach and proclaim the Kingdom of God. The disciples were deputized and called to do the ministry of Jesus; they were caught up in the reality of “doubts”. 

Let us reflect: As Christians we were deputized and called to do the ministry of the Lord in our own ways, in our work place, family and friends. Are we doing our job as disciples of Jesus? We may have an intimate relationship with Jesus but we disappoint Him from time to time for having little faith that we can do what He can do. HOW CAN WE BE SO CLOSE TO JESUS AND NOT BE ABLE TO AFFECT THE LIVES OF PEOPLE WE COME IN CONTACT WITH?

When was the last time you were supposed to help someone’s life and you did not do what you were supposed to do? 

Jesus was complaining not because they didn’t have power because they didn’t have faith.  You may not have a lot of things at this point, but you have faith to believe that there is nothing that our God cannot do.

We all may have some areas where we may need development in our faith.  Somewhere along the journey faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Let’s read, let’s be equipped. We needed to find out that there was something in the book that will help us have more faith today and accomplish more tomorrow. And ask God to help us with our unbelief. Amen.

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