Thursday, November 24, 2022



As we reflect on our daily scripture today in Matthew 8, Jesus goes about healing. 

He first healed the Leper. 

During that time lepers can’t be with the crowd. They are outcasts. 

They were to be secluded, away from the general population. But this particular man found the faith to come and kneel before Jesus to ask for healing, to be made clean. The man with leprosy could face punishment for his appearance among the crowd, yet despite the fear, he appeared anyway.

The story continues to say, "Jesus touched him," which was against the cultural norm because people with leprosy were not to be touched. Yet, Jesus touched him and made him clean, immediately. He did not say come back tomorrow or in the future. He healed him immediately.

All of us are sick too. We have sicknesses that can make us outcast or sins that we are ashamed of but we must find that courage and HUMILITY to ask the Lord to heal us. And He will and always willing. 

God can do immediate work in and for us. Despite how scary our situation may be, all we need to do is to break that pride and humble ourselves to the Lord and allow Him to totally heal us. 

Be humble and be healed. Amen.

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