As we meditate the word of God today from 1 Corinthians 14, we cannot help but trace back all what Paul have written to the Corinthians Church from chapters 12-14.
As Paul regulates the use of the Spiritual gifts in the Corinthian church, he emphasized that we cannot exercise our Spiritual giftings without love.
The Corinthians were enamored with spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of tongues. Paul reminds them even the gift of tongues is meaningless without love. Without love, a person may speak with the gift of tongues, but it is as meaningless as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. It is nothing but empty noise.
In discerning Spiritual gifts and identifying if it's really from the Holy Spirit is to judge things on how they relate to Jesus.
Jesus made it clear to us in John 15:26 - the Holy Spirit would come to testify of Me and He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you.
Therefore, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to promoteJEsus, to glorify and represent Jesus. His true ministry is according to the nature of Jesus.
LOVE IS THE KEY for all Spiritual Gifts - we will know if it's from God if it blesses others, exalts Jesus and brings people to repentance to the Father.
In Chapter 14, Paul explains that prophecy is important in the church because it is more profitable in the church than the gift of tongues for it promotes mutual blessings. But we should not forbid the speaking in tongues for it is necessary for our own edification and personal restoration.
Exercising Spiritual Gifts in the church must be done with LOVE, decently and in order for the Lord is the Lord of order and peace.
Let us Reflect:
When the Holy spirit dwelled in us - we receive revelations and gifts.
1. How are we using it? is it out of love to glorify Jesus or to exalt ourselves?
(-indicators we are exalting ourselves - we make sure people in the church know we are gifted by approaching them and telling them you've seen them or you have a dream of them without any confirmation - this can make people uneasy.
- when we hear them say - I know who you are, I can see your past and future - you cannot hide anything from me --only God know us and this will scare people and we do not glorify the Lord.
- when we hear them always say - the Lord revealed to me that - and say things that can be read from a book or commentaries -
- when we always boast about how God is using us withhout any purpose just to boast. )
2. When we reveal the revelations of the Lord, does it destroy relationships or edify the group?
We cannot use our gifts in the absence of love. Our final motivation in using our gifts is our Love for the Lord not self-exaltation.
Now it is clear how to detect true gifts, true prophecy and true revelation- if it’s done out of love it is the ministry of the Holy spirit. Hallelujah!
This makes things easier for us to identify if our revelations or others revelation is truly from the Holy spirit.