Tuesday, June 27, 2023



Let us meditate His words today from Matthew 23. 

On the first part of the chapter Jesus strongly rebuked the pharisees and scribes  for they do not practice what they preach. He called them false teachers, hypocrites, fools, whitewashed tomb, brood of vipers etc. He called them mean names to show how he hates their works and actions. For they are self-seekers, position seekers and men pleasers. 

When we serve the ministry of the Lord, we serve all not only a few who gave us favor. We serve and please the Lord not the people. When we teach and exhort we make sure that we don’t teach out of context- pick a verse and exhort it according to what we want to say. - this is false teaching. Jesus warned us of these brood vipers that lurking around even in the churches. They claim holy and knows the Lord but refused to have fellowship, to participate and to be used by the Lord and deny His power. He needs to see our action. For faith without action is dead. Let us beware that we may not become modern pharisees and scribes who teaches and lead to bring glory to themselves. They bring people to themselves for favor and for their sake. 

In order for us to be true servant, we must first submit to our Lord. Submission requires humility. 

But though we are sinners like these Pharisees, Jesus showed His love for us by lamenting and pleading for us to come back to Him. To submit to His care and to dwell under His wings. Indeed His mercy endures forever.  Amen.

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