Monday, February 6, 2023


The long wait is over. Time really comes when the direction of the wind changes. A touch of wind may symbolize an answered prayer. No matter how long you wait, wind blows everywhere as it pleases. The wind in verse two is the Holy spirit which Jesus promised to His children.  

After 40 days of waiting, the disciples of Christ finally received the promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16). With God, a promise is a promise. It may take some time but He will make sure that it’s worth the wait.

Acts 1:4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.

Why do we have to wait?

  • God’s concern is not only to answer our prayers, but more on the process of making us to be deserving of His promise (what we ask). 

  • The apostles and Christ’ followers waited for how many days for them to be prepared for the greatest gift, the Holy Spirit. They have to be filled with prayers and stillness with the fullness of their faith. When they were ready, God poured out the spirit in the room. 

  • The same thing goes with us, God will make sure that we are prepared for us to use and handle His gift in the right way.  When God is done preparing us, that’s the time that He’ll hand over what He has been excited to give. 

What are we supposed to do while waiting?

  • Waiting doesn’t require much effort, but it is one of the hardest things to do. At times, we give up believing if God will really answer our prayers. We tend to be impatient that we just want to do things in our own ways to achieve what we pray for. But we always ended up failing. This is the time of questioning what kind of God He was. 

  • The apostles waited for 40 days before the promise was received. They just gather together, sit still, and pray for the promise. 

  • WE are also ought to be still, wait, and keep on mentioning His promise. 

  • If we want our prayers to be easily answered, then help God to prepare you. Be a deserving vessel of His blessing. 

How to be deserving of His blessing?

  • We should have the right intentions for what we ask for. The intentions are always for the glory of God.

  • We are for God’s glory and even answered prayers should be used to glorify him 

The apostles glorified God by sharing the Good news about Christ through the working power of the Holy spirit that they’ve received. They allow the Holy spirit to use their lives to show to everyone from different nations that their God is the true living God (Acts 2:14-41).

If you know that the God you have answers prayers, then what prayers should you ask?

  • The disciples of Christ received the promise of the Holy spirit, which is the best gift that they can have. 

  • This only teaches us to ask the heavenly things instead of the worldly. Those everlasting things that glorify the Father in heaven. 

Let us reflect:

  • Have you become impatient with your prayers lately?
  • What do you do while waiting?
  • Do you complain or question God?
  • Are you already deserving for your prayers to be answered?
  • Do you try to help God to prepare you for the answered prayer?
  • How are your intentions to your prayers?
  • Will you offer it to Him? And how will you glorify Him when it’s given?
  • What kind of prayers do you ask? Are they heavenly or worldly?

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