Thursday, January 26, 2023


“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”

John 12:24-26

Jesus sacrificed His life for you and me. It is easy for us to say, ‘’Thank you Jesus for taking up the cross and dying for me.’’ However, Jesus said, ‘’Come, follow me.’’ Then we pause a bit, and some may say, ‘’But God, do I have to?’’ In other supporting verses, he also said that we should deny ourselves and take up His cross. 

In this world full of temporary happiness, only few have the hearts to follow. He described SERVANT as the one who wanted to be where Jesus is. A chosen, willing servant who simply wants to be closer to His master. 

When Jesus said, ‘’Where I am, there my servant will be also.’’ It doesn’t mean, we are replacing His place but to find the way to be with Him. He enthroned heaven. We can already see the victory when we follow Him. He defeated the enemy when he died for all mankind. He has set an example of Himself on how to overcome the enemy in us and in the world. It may be hard to take up His cross but He will not encourage us to do the same if He didn’t make it possible for us. When He said it, it is something achievable. 


As we meditate on John 12:24-26, we’ll realize that:

  • In order for us to be fruitful, we need first to fall and die into the ground.

  •  In order for us to live, we must hate our lives in this world. 

  • In order for us to serve, we must follow Jesus

Self-love is very common nowadays. This is the reason why we find it hard to hate ourselves in this world. As Christians who are loved by God, We should be the voice to stop this trend. The world made people believe that no one can love them greatly except themselves. This is one of the reasons why we should hate the world and if we are caught going along on this trend then might as well hate ourselves. 

 Our lives are precious especially because it is something we can give to Jesus. When we fully give it to Jesus, true life comes forth. This is the right time to love and appreciate the creation of God, Us. This love is not coming merely from ourselves but from God. This love is not selfish but causes us to serve Him more and others. 


    As long as we dip ourselves in the world (Romans 12:2), we can’t appreciate the true life. When God said, we must hate our lives in this world, it means hating how we live in it because it is our ways and choices that cause us to sin. These sins separate us from God and will block us from following Him and moving forward to His ways. 

Let us reflect on the way we live:

  • Are there some things you must hate about your life in this world? 
  • How do you show that you hate it? 
  • Will you consider serving God as a way of showing hate to the world?
  • How’s your service to God and to others? Is it partial or full service?
  • Is it conditional or all out of love?




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