Monday, September 16, 2024



As we meditate His words for us in Hebrews 7, it was revealed that we are all called to become priests- for God's desire is to establish His Kingdom of Priests. 

The writer of the book of Hebrews began the discussion with Abraham meeting Melchizedek (v1). Emphasizing that Melchizedek who is the king of righteousness and peace is superior to Abraham (v7) and that even Levi has given the tithes to him thru Abraham. (v9)

It was necessary to explain to the Jewish Christians about the life of Melchizedek for they have intellectual hang-ups about Jesus being their High Priest. According to their law - only those from the tribe of Levi can become priests and Jesus is from the tribe of Judah. (v14)

Hebrews 7 explained that it happened before thru the life of Melchizedek who has no lineage and no beginning and end but became a king and priest. 

because of this, they annulled the law for the reason that it is weak and it only produces priests who die but with Jesus as the High Priest, we can be sure of A BETTER COVENANT. (V22)

Glory to God for opening the door everyone to become priests. Now all Christians, including us gentiles can now become priests  —- for God's desire is for all of us to become priests in His kingdom.. 

1 Peter 2:9  says, “You are a royal priesthood,” 

 All believers will one day participate in God’s kingdom that will one day come to earth and that we are all serving as priests in the sense that we are proclaiming God’s excellencies. In that sense, we can say that we are a kind of royal priesthood and, if not that exactly, then certainly a kingdom of priests—priests now, citizens of a kingdom that will one day come to earth ( Colossians 3:1–4).

Let us reflect:

 - we are all called to be priests, but are we working on becoming a perfect priest for Jesus — separated from the sinners, holy , harmless and undefiled? (v26)

Thank you Lord for opening the door for all of us to receive your calling to become your priests - who's one day will join your angels to worship and praise you in heaven. AMEN.

Sunday, September 15, 2024



As we meditate our scripture today from Hebrews 6 - we have read a warning to all Christians — not just Christians but to those who have served, enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift and experienced the power of God and have worked with the Holy Spirit — these are the Christians who have impressive experience working with the Lord — but fell away from the Lord.

It says it is impossible to go back to the Lord and be saved — this is BIG! 

(v4-5)  4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come,

We may have received gifts and used by the Lord in His works, we may have done things for the Lord like :

 Energetically evangelized (Matthew 23:15).

· Impressively prayed (Matthew 23:14).

· Made rigorous religious commitments (Matthew 23:16).

· Strictly and carefully tithed (Matthew 23:23).

· Practiced fasting regularly (Luke 18:12).

· Yet Jesus called them sons of Hell (Matthew 23:15).

Let us take a look at the example of Demas:

· Demas is called a fellow worker with Paul (Philemon 24).

· Yet Paul condemned Demas, at least hinting at apostasy (2 Timothy 4:10).

Judas is also a perfect example.


as explained in v6 it is now our choice to crucify Him again and to put Him to an open shame. So it will be hard for us to seek TRUE REPENTANCE.

(v6) 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

How do we know we are falling away?

V7-8 showed that we receive the same rain from heaven (same blessings/teachings) but what do we bear? do we bear WHEAT OR WEEDS?

7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; 8 but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned.

Let us reflect...

- God may have used us mightily, spoke to us and allowed us to experience is might and power — but where are we now? do we bear wheat or weeds now?

BUT GOD IS TRUE TO HIS PROMISE. He is a just God who will not forget all our works —  we only need to hold on to our faith and diligently continue on with Jesus — 

10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. 11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, 

*** FOR HOW MANY TIMES I whined and told God I am tired and I want to stop serving Him —BUT I STILL KEEP ON SHOWING UP!

We are allowed to get tired and complain to the Lord but we need to keep on showing up and diligently obey with TRUE REPENTANCE. 

Let us keep on holding on to our faith remnants!




In our reading today - we are warned of the danger of spiritual immaturity.  We are all have a tendency to become spiritually immature especially when we come to the point that we feel we don’t need to read the scripture anymore or we don’t need to learn anymore because we know everything already. 

In verses 13-14 it showed us the difference between the immature and the mature. 

“For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Hebrews 5:13-14

Paul in 1 corinthian 3 called the corinthian church babes because of their behaviour. 

They are gifted, they know the scriptures and always in the church but Paul called them immature because they stir up envy and strife and division to the church. 

We may be gifted but if we use it to glorify ourselves we are still immature. 

We may memorize the scripture but if we do not practice them we are immature. 

We may always be present in the church but if no one can rebuke or you don’t listen to corrections or if u do listen you dont change nor obey, still you are immature. 

Let us reflect: 

- what do I bring to my brethren and to the church? Is it peace or division? 

- i know the words but do i follow them? 

- do i allow my leaders to correct me and am i willing to learn?

- i have been in the ministry for a long time, am I a good example to my brethren or i still honor myself and what i want. 

Let us always be aware of how behave and how we obey the words of God. We cannot be judged by our heart but we can always be judged by our words and actions. Because out of the abundance of the heart our mouth speaks and our body acts.

Let us all strive to be spiritually mature. Help us o Holy spirit daily. 


Friday, September 13, 2024



As we reflect and meditate our daily scripture today, in Hebrews 2, we read a warning for the believers not to neglect the salvation that we have received from the Lord. 

This chapter was written for the believers / Christians who accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. 

1 “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.”

 Verse 1 exhorted us to earnestly heed the things that we heard - we must truly understand the words of God and do it. Hearing and doing means earnestly heeding the word. Because if we don’t do what we have heard we might drift away from our faith. 

In Verse 2, the warning was given that we will be judge according to our transgression and disobedience. 

2 “For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward,”

If we consider our salvation as God’s way of rescuing us from hell, we will hold on unto it and treat it as the greatest gift of God for us. Anything that of great value is taken cared of and valued for life.

Therefore, if we neglect something, we probably do not consider it great. Yet our salvation is great, because:

· We are saved by a great Savior.

· We are saved at a great cost.

· We are saved from a great penalty.

The reason many neglect their salvation is because they never see it as salvation. They see it merely as receiving something, not as being rescued from something.

Verse 4 mentioned that God confirms our great salvation through signs and wonders and gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

“God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?”

Hebrews 2:4 

Let us reflect: 

- How do we value our salvation given to us by Jesus?

- how do we earnestly heed His Words and His Commandments? 

May the Holy Spirit lead us always to be grateful for our salvation not neglecting His words but doing it. 




As we meditate His Words today in Hebrews 3 — 

It is very clear that the book of Hebrews is written for us - believers. So let' us take heed. 

On the first part v1-6 shows the supremacy of Jesus over Moses - it made it clear that we only have one Jesus who dwells in Us and that there is no reason for unbelief. 

On the Last verses we were warned of the danger of unbelief — because it:

1. HARDENS our hearts (v12) — we tend not to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirt — God's commands and His instructions. 

2. HINDERS God's blessings (10-19) - we have no peace and we can never enter God's rest just like the Israelites who stayed in the wilderness for 40 years.

3. HALTS God's power (Mat 13:57-58) - unbelief stops us in doing God's works, therefore it stops us from witnessing miracles and wonders of the Lord. 

BUT we can always ask Jesus to HELP US WITH OUR UNBELIEF just like what the Father of the sick child did in Mark 9:24.

Also in this chapter we were given HELP  TO OVERCOME UNBELIEF:

1. Do not harden your heart (v8) LISTEN to the voice of the Holy SPirit and obey.

2. Know His ways (v10) MEDITATE HIS WORDS DAY AND NIGHT. Only in His words that we get to know Him well. 

3. Be partakers of Christ (V13-14) KEEP HIS WORKS - we must exhort each other daily and find the lost. 


- Do you experience the signs of unbelief? ( missed church activity, missed reading the words and missed fellowship)

- Is your heart not in the right place? is it in the world (flesh-family and work) or with Jesus?

*** It's not about how we start our faith  it's about enduring the battle.. finishing the task ... we will be judged according to HOW WE FINISH NOT HOW WE START. 

So kneel down and ask Jesus to help us with our unbelief just like the father of the sick child.



  As we meditate His words for us in Hebrews 7, it was revealed that we are all called to become priests- for God's desire is to establi...